

Integration of supply chain

MAKROchem procures, imports, custom clears, lab tests, stores, transloads, transports and delivers Carbon Black.

Value-added processing

We are able to perform blending of different Carbon Black grades according to your requirements. Detailed characteristics of the final product are immediately available in our on-site laboratory.

Just in time deliveries

Our transport capabilities enable us to provide Just-In-Time deliveries to 40% NA tire plants. Precise GPS monitoring system installed in our silo trucks allows on-line monitoring of delivery progress.

Coverage of distribution centers

From our locations we are able to make deliveries to your plants located throughout Europe with minimal lead time and at a competitive price.

Process-based services

We are able to follow specific Quality-of-Service requirements to adjust to your process management system. We understand the need for fluent transfer of information necessary to optimize your processes.


We have patented a unique system of reloading and conveying – where Carbon Black is reloaded using only gravity, with no pneumatic/hydraulic forces involved. We separate fine dust and metallic/non-metallic impurities during the reloading process.

Own storage

Own warehouses allow us to buffer required volumes of Carbon Black to adjust to your flexible production schedules - we are always ready for your unexpected orders.
2013 W Meeting St
Lancaster SC 29720
(803) 283 8444
©2023 MAKROchem